Art Exhibits
The Festival exhibits are open to artists who reside, work, or belong to an art association in Essex County, Massachusetts. In juried exhibits, the artwork has been selected by judges with expertise and knowledge in their fields of judging. Awards will be distributed in each exhibit category on July 2nd, 6pm at the Front Entrance of Abbot Hall.
We invited eligible artists to enter their original artwork in one or more exhibit categories described below.
Youth and Student Art is open to Marblehead residents in public or private schools or art studio classes, residents who do not attend a Marblehead school and nonresidents attending school or art studio classes in Marblehead.
Exhibit Locations
The festival features art exhibits at six different venues: Abbot Hall, The Old Town House,
St. Michael’s Church, Old North Church, Unitarian Universalist Church of Marblehead, and King Hooper Mansion (MAA).
See below for more information about the exhibits at each of these locations.
2025 Exhibit Hours
All Locations
Thursday, July 3: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday, July 4: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday, July 5: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Abbot Hall, The Old Town House and King Hooper Mansion
Sunday, July 6, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
St Michael's Church, Old North Church and Unitarian Universalist Church
Sunday, July 6, 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Accepted work will be exhibited July 3 – July 6, 2025, and may not be removed before 4:00 pm on Sunday, July 6, 2025. No exceptions will be made.
Non-Accepted work can be picked-up: TBD
* We will hold any non-accepted artwork until the end of the Festival, pick-up on TBD
Accepted and non-accepted work picked-up: TBD at Exhibit locations, or on TBD artwork can be picked-up at Exhibit locations from TBD.
Artwork not picked up within 60 days after the close of the Festival shall become the property of the Marblehead Festival of Arts, Inc.
Awards Ceremony: Wednesday, July 2, 2025 @ 6:00 – 7:00 pm - Abbot Hall, Front Entrance
Liability: Artwork will be openly displayed in buildings, in areas open to the public. It is recommended that all artists insure their own works for the duration of the exhibition. The Marblehead Festival of Arts, Inc. (MFoA) is not responsible in any way for the loss, damage, disappearance, or harm of any kind to the works of art. Delivery of the works to MFoA constitutes an express waiver, release, and discharge of all claims, actions, or causes of action against the harm of any kind to the works of art.
Sales: The Marblehead Festival of Arts, Inc. will receive a 30% commission on any sales. All work for sale must be sold as displayed and may not be removed by the purchaser before the close of the Festival at 4:00 pm on Sunday, July 6, 2025.
Craft is a juried exhibit of original handcrafts, traditional or contemporary in nature, that are both useful and decorative, such as calligraphy, quilts, textiles, furniture, jewelry, pottery and stained glass.

Dawn Jenkins and Maggie Smist
Awards: Best of Show ($125), Outstanding Work ($50), Honorable Mention, People’s Choice Award
Special Award: Lee R. Smith Award
A small-scale juried exhibit of original two-dimensional artwork in a variety of digital techniques that are not represented in other Festival exhibit categories. Work must be created and produced using digital technology. All graphics must be the direct result of the artist's work. Submissions must be framed and glassed or canvas-wrapped include a wire (wire & clip frames excluded) and be ready to hang. Size may not exceed 3'6" in any direction including frame. Art that requires electricity for viewing cannot be accepted.

Robin Hobart
Awards: Best of Show ($125), Outstanding Work ($50), Honorable Mention, People’s Choice Award
A juried exhibit showcasing original artwork, including crafts, digital art, drawing, mixed media, painting, photography, printmaking, and sculpture. The artwork is created by immigrants and first-generation to the United States representing their country of origin.

Awards: Best of Show ($125), Outstanding Work ($50), Honorable Mention, People’s Choice Award
Mixed media is a juried exhibit of original artwork in two or more media in a single composition, using media such as paint, collage, drawing, image transfer, assemblage, papier-mache’, textiles, wax, and found objectives. Pieces may be displayed as two-or three-dimensional surfaces.

Robin Hobart
Awards: Best of Show ($125), Outstanding Work ($50), Honorable Mention, People’s Choice Award
Special Award: Don Howard Award
Plein air painters in Essex County are invited to join in Painting the Town – a two-day event
culminating in a judged exhibit. Artists proceed directly to their selected painting locations in town and paint scenes en plein air. Artists frame their works and submit them to the Festival.

Jean Guastaferri and Peggy Farrell
Awards: Best of Show: ($125), Outstanding Work: ($50), Honorable Mention, People's Choice Award
Photography is a juried exhibit of original photography created within the past three (3) years, in black-and-white or color.

Brian Perlow
Awards: Best of Show ($125), Outstanding Work ($50), Honorable Mention, People’s Choice Awards
Special Awards: Samuel Chamberlain Award, Photojournalism Award
A juried exhibit of original prints in a variety of categories, such as etching, engraving, dry point, linoleum cuts, and other relief forms, silk-screen, lithography, monoprints, woodcut and wood engraving, and other forms of printmaking. All plates, screens or blocks must be the direct result of the artist’s work. Submissions must be dry, framed or canvas-wrapped, wired and ready to hang (sawtooth hanger & clip frames not accepted). Size may not exceed 3’6” in any direction, including frame.

Dawn Jenkins and Maggie Smist
Awards: Best of Show ($125), Outstanding Works ($50), Honorable Mention, People’s Choice Award
Sculpture is a juried exhibit of original three-dimensional sculptures encompassing all styles and genres. All works must be an appropriate size for display indoors.

Meghan Perlow
Awards: Best of Show ($125), Outstanding Work ($50), Honorable Mention, People’s Choice Award
Special Award: Beverly Seamans Award
Senior Art is a non-juried exhibit of original artwork comprising crafts, digital art, drawing, mixed media, painting, photography, printmaking and sculpture by persons 65 years of age or older.

Maggie Raftus and Betty Spellios
Awards: Best of Show ($125), Outstanding Work ($50), Honorable Mention, People’s Choice Award
Special Awards: Louise Remick Brown Award; Bob and Ruth Sinclair Award
Youth & Student is a non-juried exhibits of original artwork comprising crafts, digital art, drawing, mixed media, painting, photography, printmaking, and sculpture by Youth (preschool through Grade 4) and Students (Grades 5 -12).

Overall Exhibit: People’s Choice Award
Student Art Awards (Grades 9-12)
Best of Show ($50 prize), (2) Outstanding Work ($25 prize), (4) Honorable Mention
Student Art Awards (Grades 5-8) (4) Honorable Mention
Youth Art Awards (Pre-K-Grade 4)
Ribbons for each entry.
Special Awards: Debra and Jack Highberger Awards,
Nordia Kay Award.