2025 Logo Winner - Justin DeRosa

Marblehead Festival of Arts Announces Winning 2025 Logo at Annual Premiere Party
Justin DeRosa offers Marblehead a Beacon of Inspiration for the 59th Festival
MARBLEHEAD—On Tuesday, January 21, the Marblehead Festival of Arts held its annual Logo Premiere Party at The Landing restaurant in Marblehead, where Justin DeRosa and his logo depicting a lighthouse that is surrounded by concentric circles was proudly announced as the 2025 winner.
Justin DeRosa is originally from New York and has lived in Swampscott for five years. He is a professional graphic designer with a 22-year career in the fashion industry, and was a Logo Contest semifinalist in 2022.
The festival invited professional and nonprofessional individuals who reside, work, attend a school, or belong to an arts association in Essex County to submit entries for the 59th annual Marblehead Festival of Arts Logo Contest. This long-standing and prestigious competition, as old as the festival itself, produces a one-of-a-kind design to symbolize each year's event.
From the entries, experienced logo judges selected designs as semifinalists and then chose several finalists for presentation to the public. The public then determined the winner by ballot in December 2024. The winner, Mr. DeRosa, received a prize of $150.
After public voting had concluded and a winner was chosen, the Festival then asked Mr. DeRosa if his winning design could be updated to portray the iconic Marblehead light tower at Chandler Hovey Park.
Mr. DeRosa readily agreed to update the logo.
Festival logos appear on merchandise, signage, web pages, and so much more, and are used not only at our legendary summer arts festival but also at events throughout the year, including exhibits, our champagne reception, performing arts concerts and artisans marketplaces, just to name a few.
As the Festival of Arts gets underway over the July 4th weekend (July 3–6, 2025), the semifinalist and finalist designs will be displayed at the Logo Exhibit. Past logo winners can be viewed on the Festival website at MarbleheadFestival.org/logocontest.
The Marblehead Festival of Arts is an all-volunteer organization and depends on the volunteer and financial support of the community. For more information, please go MarbleheadFestival.org.
Logo Contest Team:
Bill Smalley, Co-Chair
Alison Quade Spring, Co-Chair
About the Marblehead Festival of Arts:
Steeped in tradition since 1962, the Marblehead Festival of Arts is a storied celebration where history meets creative expression. We invite patrons and enthusiasts to join this enduring legacy by donating, volunteering, or sponsoring—helping us preserve and enrich the artistic heritage of Marblehead for future generations.
For more information on the Marblehead Festival of Arts and upcoming events, please visit www.MarbleheadFestival.org or follow our social media channels.
Contact Information:
Joseph Tavano, Director of Marketing
Marblehead Festival of Arts